Re-Elect Jeffrey Dinowitz,
Our State Assembly Member
A real reformer with experience bringing home wins for the Bronx, Jeffrey Dinowitz is the Assemblymember we can count on to protect tenants, keep our students safe, and fight back against extremism.
Re-Elect Jeffrey Dinowitz to the New York Assembly on June 28, 2022!
Meet Jeffrey Dinowitz
Bronx Born
Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz has dedicated his entire life to supporting and strengthening his community in the Bronx. Born and raised in the borough, Jeffrey was organizing his neighbors to stand up for their rights as tenants before he was even old enough to vote. A graduate of the Bronx High School of Science, Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York (CUNY), and Brooklyn Law School, Jeffrey spent the early years of his career making sure the people of the Bronx, and New York as a whole, got a fair shake. Even before stepping into electoral politics, Jeffrey has been fighting for the health and safety of his community and has pushed back on special interests looking to displace his neighbors. Today, Jeffrey continues to ensure every resident of the 81st AD has a chance to be heard and has used his district office to make an impact by helping thousands of people cut through government red tape with city, state and federal agencies.
A Legacy of Action
Before his election to the Assembly, Jeffrey served as an Administrative Law Judge for the State of New York. There he made sure that cases were adjudicated in a fair and just manner, and that all parties involved were able to make their case, not just those able to afford big legal teams. Jeffrey served as a State Committeeman in 1978 and as a District Leader from 1986 to 1994 -- as well as a delegate to the DNC an incredible 8 times.
Along with his wife Sylvia Gottlieb, Jeffrey fought for Bronx families in every position he held, and never backed down from a fight. Running against the machine, the voters of the 81st AD chose to send Jeffrey to Albany in a historic vote, ensuring that they would have a real voice in their Assembly. From that moment on, Jeffrey has delivered win after win for his district and has become a champion for working families across the state.
Fighting for the Bronx in Albany
Jeffrey Dinowitz came into office as a reformer, striving to make the Democratic Party one that stands up for our values. In Albany, Jeffrey has fought against the inequities in school funding, worked to make our transit system fit the needs of an ever-changing city, and led the charge on addressing climate change.
He has authored numerous bills, including the Anti-Human Trafficking Act and the COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act, and is looked to as a leader in the Assembly on protecting tenants' rights and supporting homeowners. Jeffrey has delivered for his district by spearheading the development of a new business district, bringing in funding for new schools, fighting off special interests looking to harm the health and safety of the 81st AD, and countless other victories over the years.
On June 28, 2022, there’s only one candidate with the experience and drive to give us a voice in Albany: Let’s re-elect Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz!

Jeffrey’s Priorities
When it comes to keeping our neighborhoods safe, we face two crises that need to be addressed immediately: rising gun violence and a broken criminal justice system. Jeffrey wrote the landmark Anti-Human Trafficking Act to stop human trafficking and provide support for victims. Jeffrey will continue to push for common-sense measures to prevent gun violence so that residents of the Bronx can feel safe going about their daily lives. As former Chair of the Assembly's Judiciary committee, Jeffrey was able to lead the way to add desperately needed Judges to the NYS Supreme Court. He will also work to bring equity and fairness to our criminal justice system as he has done for much of his career.
As Assemblymember for the 81st AD, Jeffrey has been a leader in Albany on both tenants’ advocacy and protecting homeowners from foreclosure. Jeffrey became involved in the tenants’ rights movement before he could vote and has lived in all types of housing – from a rent controlled walk up to a rent stabilized apartment to NYCHA Public housing to Mitchell-Lama – and his experiences have informed his advocacy and work on housing issues. He was the lead sponsor on the eviction moratorium during the pandemic, ensuring that working families across our state were kept in their homes. He has prevented landlords from removing rent protections in our neighborhoods, expanded access to resources for co-op owners, and brought in funding to build affordable housing so that those who have spent their lives in the Bronx aren’t displaced by market forces outside of their control. That’s why Tenants PAC has endorsed his re-election
Even before the pandemic, Jeffrey has been pushing back against disinformation from anti-vax extremists. He has increased access to vaccines for seniors and during the pandemic was a key voice in making sure that everyone in New York would have access to Covid-19 vaccines. He is a co-sponsor of the NY Health Act, which will create a single-payer healthcare system in New York and expand access to health insurance. When it comes to protecting the health of our community, from our students to our seniors, there are few in Albany who work as hard as Jeffrey Dinowitz to get us the care we need.
Local Economy
Jeffrey understands that a strong economy is an economy that works for all New Yorkers, not just the 1%. Through his leadership we passed a $15 minimum wage, easing the burden on thousands of working families who were struggling to get by working multiple jobs. He has also fought hard to ensure that parents have access to childcare and paid family leave -- ensuring that everyone who wants to contribute to our economy is able to do so without struggling to ensure that their children are taken care of. He has also repeatedly stood up for immigrants in New York by fighting for the excluded workers’ fund and was proud to help pass the DREAM Act, which allows undocumented New Yorkers to apply for higher education grants and scholarships, and the Green Light law, which allows all New Yorkers regardless of immigration status to apply for a driver’s license.
Protecting our environment has always been a top legislative priority for Jeffrey. He led the charge on passing the most aggressive climate action legislation in the nation, and his sponsorship of a bill to close the Hazardous Waste Loophole helped save our environment and New Yorkers from the harmful effects of toxic chemicals. He regularly receives a perfect score from the EPL/Environmental Advocates. When he’s re-elected, Jeffrey will continue to fight for legislation to address climate change and will work to make our environment safer now and for decades to come. That’s why the New York League of Conservation Voters has endorsed him for re-election.
As the son of a single mother, public schools and CUNY were his vehicle for economic and social mobility. From the start of his career, Jeffrey realized there were serious inequities in how school funds were allocated in our state, and the Bronx wasn’t getting a fair shake. As our Assemblymember, he helped secure billions in additional school aid and the funds to build two new high schools in Riverdale and Kingsbridge. Through his efforts, In-Tech Academy added hundreds of new school seats, better preparing students for an ever-changing job market. As a product of the New York public school system, he knows how important a strong, well-funded education system is and he won’t stop fighting for it!

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